
Invisible aligners have gained immense popularity in recent years, revolutionizing the way people straighten their teeth. One of the most notable advantages of invisible aligners is their discrete nature making the treatment almost invisible.

Aligners are removable, granting flexibility in daily activities like eating and brushing, unlike traditional braces.

A huge advantage is also a digital treatment simulation - you can preview your treatment and see the results even before starting. Besides, orthodontists have much more control over the movements of the teeth because the whole treatment is planned digitally.

In SMITA we also provide INVISALIGN GO - an express treatment of 3-4 months that allows you to do small-medium corrections but does not change your bite in posterior areas.


  • Invisibility

  • Comfort while wearing

  • No pain or emergencies

  • Faster than braces

  • Full control of treatment planning



How long do I need to wear the aligners?

They must be worn for at least 20 hours a day for effective results.

Does it hurt?

Aligners may cause discomfort or soreness during the initial adjustment period but usually it is a pain-free treatment.

Is it suitable for any case?

Sometimes aligners are not suitable for severe orthodontic cases.

What is the duration of the treatment?

Invisalign Go usually takes 3-4 months, full orthodontic treatment can be up to 18 months, depending on a case.

Do I need retainers after?

If you don't want your teeth to move back to the old position - retainers are a must. We provide rigid plastic retainers VIVERA that you can wear only at night and also fixed retainers.



Metal Braces


Metal braces have long been the go-to choice for straightening teeth. They are comprised of high-grade stainless steel, and their durability and cost-effectiveness make them a popular choice.

Metal braces are highly effective in treating complex dental issues, such as severe overcrowding or misalignment. They are robust, making them ideal for active individuals. However, one downside is that they can be more noticeable than zafire braces due to their metal components.

Zafire braces


On the other hand, zafire braces offer a more aesthetically pleasing alternative. Made from a combination of ceramic and zirconia, zafire braces blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Zafire braces, on the other hand, are less noticeable, as they mimic the color of your teeth. They are an excellent choice for those seeking a more discreet treatment option. However, it's worth noting that zafire braces may be more prone to chipping and are generally not recommended for cases requiring extensive tooth movement.


  • Opt for severe cases, crossbite, etc.

  • Fully fixed (can be useful for children or teenagers or people with a special condition, so they cannot take them off)


  • More painful than aligners

  • Usually longer treatment 

  • Requires precise hygiene and maintenance 

  • Cannot preview the treatment

  • Braces might fall off 

  • More frequent visits 



Which type of braces is more painful?

Initially, both metal and zafire braces may cause some discomfort as your teeth begin to adjust. However, this discomfort is temporary and can easily be managed with pain relievers, if necessary.

How long does the treatment take with each type of braces?

The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on the complexity of your case. In general, metal braces tend to achieve desired results slightly faster than zafire braces. Compared to aligners, it is a slower treatment.

Can I eat all types of food with these braces?

With metal braces, certain foods like sticky or hard candies, popcorn, and chewing gum should be avoided to prevent damage. Zafire braces can be more prone to staining, so it is recommended to limit consumption of foods and drinks that may cause discoloration, such as coffee, tea, or heavily pigmented sauces. In comparison, with aligners you dont need to adjust your diet anyhow.

Which type of braces requires more maintenance?

Both types of braces require regular maintenance to ensure successful treatment. However, zafire is more prone to discoloration. Compared to aligners braces need much more maintanance - we usually recommed oral hygiene evry 3-4 months and a very precise hygiene at home.